Monday, 7 March 2011


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media products?


I looked at different conventions of mastheads with different genre of magazine I thought about what made it different to other magazine. In order to develop my ideas to make it more imaginative. The names of the magazine each masthead was always in the top left normally and had a different design. It is also one of the biggest things on the front cover so it had to be good. I want the audience to be familiar with my masthead and automatically know what type of magazine it is. For an audience apart from the image the main focus is the masthead. My masthead is similar to the top magazine market so the masthead has an importance.  Each masthead has to be unique as well as original. Secondly a convention I have challenged is the microphone attached the hand and the name of the magazine in the masthead.  Straight away the audience should know because through the mic they say “check 123” I decided to make it this because it portrays I have only started that I am still upcoming. This magazine is for upcoming artists and the mastheads portrays that so that is another reason why it’s challenged real media products. I took the font of check 123 off da font which is a graffiti type font which appeals to my audience because graffiti normally involved with the teens. I selected this type of font because I feel it has some kind of style to it.


I thought about the design element to my magazine especially, my features page. I thought about the colour scheme to my magazine also in relation to my front cover to make everything correspond. My main colour scheme was black/grey/white with a tint of neon blue. I chose black and white because I thought of it being straight up and that’s how I want my audience to feel that it’s a straight up magazine. I chose the blue because I thought of it as different and unique I also wanted them to feel that it has various sides to it.

In addition to my design I use the image to correspond with the text and the background which is black and white. I selected the artist to wear black and white. This makes it a very ironic black and white theme. It makes sense instead of having a rap artist with a funky background the target audience would be confused. So this challenges media conventions. I also kept the font the same throughout the first page of the features but where i was being interviewed I made the font intalic so you can highlight where there is different speech. most of the text I selected was done in bold so it stands out more clearer,  the beginning of the text started off with a big letter at the start in similar to real magazine.
I challenged the normal conventions with the main text being the keywords highlighted. My design images are very creative I added props to it and took another image and added on top of the original image too look like its standing on the prop which is the adidas trainers. I also added a strap line to my features to invite the readers to read on. This is also looks like its written which was taken from da font. I designed it like that so its looks like its personal from the artist instead of it looking all made up.I wanted to give an approach to the audience that the artist is directly talking to them. It also matches my image with the image on the trainers ready to jump and a stern look from the other image making it look like the artist is cocky but yet focused on his music. I also provided advertisement to social networks which challenges normal conventions for instance bootom right with facebbok,twitter etc. aswell as my main image ""


I feel that my image challenges real media products by making the image match with the text for instance I used the image on my contents page for an advertisement for an award for adidas trainers. The picture has the artist their in the image promoting the adidas which makes it more realistic. I also thought about the presentation for instance the clash of blue and red suited with both people in the image wearing checkerd clothing. The image is also a medium close up with both people init with glasses presents a bit of swagger. The main prop which challenges media conventions is the giant shoe box which makes it very creative and imaginative. I wanted to appeal wider audiences with this type of image. Because its in with the “London look” of today but in the background you can also see dummies wearing the normal clothes for my main target group. The image presents originality but also seems like an everyday life shot. I try to contrast different groups to been drawn into the genre of my magazine.


In my magazine I use formal language but also modern talk for the youths because that’s the lingo my target audience has. My audience would understand the language and interact more with the magazine because it’s their interests. an example of this is on my  features page.

By me having modern English it would appeal to my audience whereas instead having a long story in formal English it wouldn't appeal to my target audience so I made my magazine conventional. Another reason is that my target audience are more likely to be working class,lower middle class and may not understand complex launguage so I was wise with what type of launguage to use.

I also provided an interview in my text to attract the readers on what they really want to know about the audience with a mixture of formal questions and modern responses. I wanted to get my readers thinking and as if their having first hand experience in the story. I also thought about the realism in my language to make things realistic to inspire the audience.


My contents page challenged normal conventions with its layout but in some ways contrasted and developed in ideas. I initially thought of the layout of my contents page to be crazy and all over the place but this was difficult because it made it harder to navigate.  I started off with a mini article at the bottom and a competition to win adidas accessories. Due to real conventions put the prizes at the bottom of the page but I also put it close to the artist so it looks like its being promoted. Reasons for putting the article at the bottom is to not bore my readers straight away but to keep them intrigued and eager to read on.

Furthermore, I then went on to think about how am I going to make it easier to navigate and to format the layout. I place my masthead at the top left so the audience know it’s an official contents page from check123. Most readers will relate to the masthead because it is what is mainly seen. I placed two main boxes in a symmetry line of each other so it was easier to read this was in the center of the page. I tried to fill up the top half of my page with designed text and graphic image. I tried to show realism in the magazine to seem laid back, in the way the magazine looks in its format.

I included a bright theme to my layout to make it unique but original to its design on the front cover keeping the grey and black theme.The layout of my contents page is into four main sections where the audience doesn't have to read a long list of text,it is short and straight to the point to inform my readers and to show a quick perview of what is going to be in the magazine. I inserted two boxes with a list of numbers on each side of the central boxes so the audience can navigate in relation to the topic and page number.

How does your product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents a particular social group in many ways one being, the way the artist is presented in his body language,language used itself, costume, framing and the design theory of the magazine.
Firstly the target audience are aged between 13 to mid 20. The social demographic that I am aiming for is C-E. It is mainly targeted males with all types of race. I have to think about the price range and most people who are interested in this genre are working class so I had to make the magazine affordable and C to E is accurate for this social group.

 I represented that it for males using male dominate colours black & white, the blue which are used by male whereas if it’s for females a lot of pink will be involved. The genre of my magazine is UK grime/rap. UK grime/rap normally wear things like hoods hats puffer jackets and always wear a brand sign they may also wear a long chain. This will represent social groups because it is what they all have in common.

 The body language of my artist has a hard serious facer which is stereotypical of a hard man image and rebillion of the youths in today society.In addition to a sense of pain power and talent in this type of genre and always wanting to be “swaggered” out with the brands. In one of my images I presented the artist behind a cage and attempted to frame and present a sense of rebellion, the artist being in the cage also portrays the masculinity of a man being locked up behind a cage, which this social group is interested in.
Below is an example:

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

My main intention for check 123 is being distributed independently creating a independent institution. I have chosen to go independently due to I want to create a name for my magazine morover, major independent will take most profits and can control the mass production whereas independent you can decide what you want to do. In addition to, it would be harder independently as there would be lack of funds furthermore major labels  have more money due to there major status. Marketing powers will always be stronger within a major independent label.

Ways that I can distribute and publicise my magazine is give away at concerts, access a smaller target audience not to waste funds. I could also do such things as concerts and small gigs to promote and attract. I could use social networks like facebook and twitter as well as YouTube etc. due to these internet links are on the rise in popularity.

Lastly most Independent label try to show an image of their own being not following the norms of a major creating their own brand. Independent try to be different and unique and that’s the way I want it to come across to my audience.

How did you attract the audience?

Advertisement is really important to attract the audience.  

I attracted the audience through image being the way the artist is dressed for example a hood. So straight way my target audience know what type of genre and magazine it is.

Also advertisement and links to video attracts audience. Secondly, promotion on urban movies for example “kidulthood”, “adulthood” and “anuvahood” this is what my audience like to watch and relate. I can publicise myself on the local radio as well as “channel AKA” which is on the sky box. I could feature images of my magazine in local newspapers to appeal to my audience. Local stores can also distribute my magazine and hopefully will attract the people in the area and will slowly go up.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the start of my magazine there was several of technology I used to make my magazine I started off with a quality digital camera with a high amount of megapixel and captured many shots so I would be able to select what images are suitable for my magazine I used the camera with different techniques for instance tilted it, over head shots long distance as well as close ups.

I went on to construct my magazine on the software publisher ad learnt how to format my magazine for instance put it on a double page. I also learnt what type of page is needed for my magazine.  Moreover, I learnt how to save my publisher work into a JPEG file which saves as image.

I also used several software’s, websites and the actual camera. I have gained more knowledge using the technology and can improve the appearance of an image for instance to edit my photo I used which can change the colour; I lightened some of my images to gain a better quality image. The focus was increased to see the artist and the props.  The frame this was done on my front cover image. This website/ software manipulate the image I learnt where to manipulate the image and how to frame an image correct this could be a close up, portrait or landscape.  I sharpen my image and faded the background so my main attraction was the artist in the frame.
Secondly I used the software fire works to remove any unwanted things e.g.  Background I can use the wand tool on fireworks which leaves the image with a plain white background. By removing the background my image can now go on anything. By cutting out the image you can put it on any scenery and atmosphere.

I lastly learnt how to publish my work on learnt how to upload images attach links change fonts and font colour.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Since I have done my preliminary task I feel that there has been great progression I think the professionalism of my front cover has improved and my manipulation of images.  With my preliminary task the text size was all the same also the same colours. Whereas my music magazine, I made the important text larger. I included a banner on the top and created a masthead.  The puff that I used on my music magazine looks more professional whereas my preliminary task was more childlike.

I have learnt how to design properly and learn how to layout my magazine properly due to real magazines in the market. My preliminary task looks very simple, all rounded.  My preliminary contents page had a lot of space to be used and did not include the necessary information. My cover lines in my preliminary were all close together whereas the composition of my magazine is now well settled up. I also have a colour scheme on my new magazine whereas before I would use any colour that was half decent.

On the other hand I included some factors from my preliminary to my official magazine for instance certain conventions like puffs and bar codes and adapted it. My preliminary contents I selected two images which I captured myself on there also I selected real images on my music magazine. I also included promotion and prizes on my preliminary which I done the same for my magazine in conclusion although I showed great progression in my magazine I elemented some conventions on to my magazine and improved my mistakes that I previously had done.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Researching and designing mastheads

The first thing I done was made a brainstorm of different names for my magazine and I came up with this. I also thought about what would appeal to my audience and making sure it is related to the music magazine genre. 


The outcome was CHECK 123 which is also like a slogan for when people test the microphone so I made it related to that. After finalising my choice of name I then thought about the design of the masthead. The first thing I knew I wanted was a microphone because it is related to check 123 so I searched on Google looking for the microphone and came across an animated picture. I also thought about what type of font i want so I went on to the dafont website and looked for graffiti because in my genre it’s the type of thing that goes on in my genre it being UK grime/rap.

This was my first idea trying to make the microphone look parted with the font I put both the images and the font on the paint document which mended it together. I also cropped so this is where you can see the number three cropped. i decided to crop the three because it emphasises the cut on three.   

This is my final image and my masthead which i kept the theme of the microphone but this type added an hand where i got the image off goggle i also kept the font which is graffiti of the da font website i made it black and white because i preferred it hat way also ink is around the check 123 emphasis a term of the artist spraying on the microphone i also think it looks original as in the way its presented very authentic and has uniqueness and coolness about it. 

This is my ideas on creating a masthead I started off thinking about what to put around it and drawing it out on a musical note line  with numbers coming from the bottom I thought about putting it on a music line due to so the audience know its about music. I last tried to do different types of shapes within the check 123

This is my neat peace of my rough design of the master head I first thought about a cheque and writing a music not with one to three in I also thought about where to put the check 123 either the top of the bottom then I thought about putting the name of the masthead their with a hand and a microphone hanging down form the title.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

drafting text/page layouts

This is my drafting task it is a mock up. The mock up allowed me to know where I want things on my real magazine .The first thing I done was put the masthead at the top so the viewers know the name of my magazine. I inserted an image in the middle of the magazine so the viewers can visualise what type of magazine it is. I put bar code at the bottom because that's the lease important inserted quotes so the viewers can know what type of subjects would be brought up in the magazine. I placed the puff at the top so it can be seen properly. I also created subheading once again to attract the audiences and their interests in what ever the subject topic is about for example football. I was thinking of appropriate topics to be involved within the magazine and something interesting and appealing. I made sure that the person on my front cover was wearing uniform due to its a school magazine so the audience knows what magazine it is from the image and the title this is a prop. I edited the picture using the website picnic. I made sure the person was in black and white and coloured in the book. i think it is presented well trying to suggest what is really going on in a school child mind them wanting to burn their book.

This is my contents page for my mock up magazine i put the heading at the top in a certain font from the da font website also tilted the heading because it looks appealing. I put images relating to what page topic is about for example pg. 11 is about fights an inserted an animation image to relate to that. I made sure all the text and images were the right size colour and font so it can be seen properly. I put a yellow border around the page so it looks more appealing so it doesn’t look so plain and blunt. I got the image of the studio off the Google website aswell as the animation of the two people fighting and i also got the little scroll from clipart which is on the word file. my contents page is very basic but appealing i inserted things like text box just to bring out colours on the contents page also used different font sizes and font colour for instance in the bottom section the font is in red to signify importance. I also manipulated the image on the contents page where the girl is sitting down deciding what bag to pick the image looks very cinematic suggesting for a girl deciding what to wear is very dramatic. so I created a mise en scene trying to set out everything correctly to capture a good shot which i think the outcome was done well.

This is my final outcome of my magazine cover a few adjustments will be made to the cover.

In addition to, with the masthead showing and the title I had to make sure the font size and colours are different for instance I made the important information in a bigger size font so it looks more appealing and because its what the story lines are going to be about I included a barcode so you can scan the price of the magazine and also created my own puff at the bottom left. I got an image of the internet which was the 2010 and made the image size smaller and created shapes which was on the word software and put text underneath to make it look more professional. I made sure my image is in the centre of the screen. I put a quotation from the artist Louie Akz, “my longest diary” which is going to be a feature of the magazine.  The colour scheme selected was also blue white making all the main parts white and the others blue matching the clothes the artist is wearing.   The name in Louie Akz  got from the dafont website as well as the longest diary to make it seem more presentable I researched other magazine and notice how they used different fonts.

I made adjustments to my magazine such as covered the whole image on to the page. I also put my masthead on to the left hand side of the magazine. I inserted a text box with the name music magazine under the masthead and removed the whole top of my heading. This had the title as well as the masthead on either side. I made the main font bold because I feel it’s important and left the less important in plain font. I changed the barcode and also put text underneath with the date and a website based underneath. Lastly I created a banner on top of my masthead and wrote information on what topics are going to be in the magazine.  I first made the banner red so it can standout  with yellow but I decided to make it blue which was my final design  because it matches the font colour.

This is my first draft of my contents page I put my masthead at the top right so people can refer to it aswell as font which I took from da font . which is the con tents I made sure the contents look different by copying different bits by using word with the crop tool. I kept it with the same colour theme of the blue showing. I inserted images of my own which is the black and white picture of a female as well as the the three people standing on stage. The rest of the images I looked up on the google search website. I then made a text box and inserted a numbers in them on the features page each of the information has big font to attract the readers and to show the main story. I made the text box blue on the outside and filled it in the white. I also made each text box at an angle due to it looks more creative also which is the same as the numbers. I made sure the background was grey in relation to my front cover. I tried to make the stories creative and interesting engaging the readers.

This is my contents page I used the NME magazine as a layout and had headings like reviews features advertisement etc. I inserted some of my own images  which is the adidas promotion. I inserted images of the internet such as music artist like Tinie Tempah,devlin. I also got album covers of artists who are popular in this specific genre for example lethal bizzle and dizzie rascal. I made the contents page very bright and fun.I inserted a story preview of tinie tempah winning the mobo`s. I also put the contents heading on top so the viewers know. I put numbers next to some text to navigate the viewers to the appropriate page. I also inserted different fonts and different font size to make the page look more creative. I included what the page subjects are and provided information I also included a competition for the target audience to win a prize which is Adidas trainers.

I modified my contents page due to it is easier to navigate whereas before it was much difficult I stuck to the same colour themes very bright and chaotic. The numbers  are more easier to visualise with the black background and white text. I grouped the text into catagories which are features and music news. I also changed the text fore each section making it different to other magazine which stick to the same type of text throughout.

I got this image of google as a sort of idea how I want my features page to look like. it is from the vibe magazine with music star Jeremiah. I looked at how they put the image on the page with a quarter of his body cropped I also looked at the props that were added which were the cake. the background is also white with him wearing black clothes so it contrasts the background. i also looked how they presented the features page such like the font colour the  font the font size and the font used. I also looked at what subjects story is on the features page and considered how they keep the audience interested. I looked at the format of the  features page which is quite basic and straight to the point it is used very well .  Ilooked at the heading of the features page and how they presented it.

This is an image which  cut the background out. I used the software fire works and used the wond tool to cut out everything leaving just person in the picture. I tried to go with an Adidas theme by adding the prop which is the Adidas trainers. I also wore an Adidas jacket so it matched each other I came up with a few ideas maybe placing  images around or in the prop also maybe putting the image on a designed background.

I put my image as my main picture of the features page I also put another image on top of my image on top of my shoe which was the Adidas prop. i then also got font of the da font web site which is on the left hand side saying LOUIE AKZ this was to present the audience what artist it is about. I also went on da font again for the writing I live 2 die I die 2 live this is the artists slogan. I inserted a brief story of the artist on how it begun  I kept with the colour schemes i also added the quote which is on the top.

I have inserted  another picture at the bottom of my second page of my features. I have inserted my image with all the text around i am still thinking on what to put on the second page and the colour and the font. I need to consider the suitability of the features page. I changed the colour of the second page because its different  and  I  want to keep the same colour theme as my front cover and contents page.

This is my full version of my features page. It includes an interview asking the artist Louie Akz questions on what the audience wants to find out about the artist. I included my image on the features page with a special design being the artist standing on the shoe. I also kept a black and white theme throughout the features. i n my interview I selected the neon colour which is different to other magazines. i used the software fireworks to cut out all my image background and pasted the pictures in a special layout around the text.

shooting/selecting images

I made sure before deciding on my magazine I made sure I took a handful of pictures not just one. I took picture in several of positions and backgrounds and selected what I would like in the magazine and the ones that wouldn’t be suitable for the magazine. I looked at the quality of the pictures as well as the things that were in picture. 

For my shooting and selected image I thought about selecting a band for my magazine so I took and image of them up on the stage them performing at a show called big deal. The microphone is there for them to sing the band is going to be on my feature page of the magazine. The background is dark so the band colours were all in bright. It is a live performance as well so it’s realistic. The band is in a specific way where the female is in the middle of the two males and her putting her arms up in the air.

I tried to do several of different shots and tried to present a sense of feeling this is an image close up of me and in the background is the cage where the death voltage sign is shown.  The artist face expression is very blunt and has hardness about him. The background is dark but the brightness of the death voltage sign is still showing from behind. This image I was unsure about because I done similar camera shots and they are all alike in someway. I think the figure of the shot is well presented though.

This is a long distance shot which I am planning to use it on my features page it’s a picture of the artist walking through the alley way which I am going to talk about the music and  his songs which is trying to get to the other side the lighting of the picture is not very bright brings and presents mysteriousness .

This image is also on one of my features page which is going to be known as the artist Cinderella. I took a close up shot of the female and made sure she wore leather gloves to seem very sinister and mysterious.  The image was in colour but I manipulated it and made sure it turned into black and white by using software on my laptop. It’s a close up of the artist with her hood up suggesting she is from the streets. This would have been one of my other chocies of a front cover image but i thought it would be a good cover line and feature.

planning/sketching images


This is my planning and sketching images. I got the image off and used the software fireworks to edit it by cutting out everything that is behind it using the magic wond key. The top image is before i edited it and the one below is after i edited just leaving the white tiger. I played around with the image trying to come into grips with the tools.

This was my first photo image which I constructed and com positioned in a certain way I added a blackberry in the image to represent that up to date also in the blackberry is an image of myself . I also captured a shot with the bottom of my shoe showing representing  my footstep to music I also made sure I was in the centre of the photo. I am also sitting on a green box presenting i am from the streets relating to underground music in Britain. 

This is my edited image which i edited by using the website i changed thee contrast of the picture and the exposure. The image started of black and white and i highlighted the main things that i wanted in the picture which was some of the blue parts and the phone. I also darkened my face to show to leave that's sense of curiosity for the audience. I highlighted my footstep to signify my footsteps to music making my shoe dirty. I also dressed myself in a certain way to appeal to the fan range wearing a hat a hood and a body warmer. I highlighted my self in the image to make me be seen as the main attraction. The picture is very animated. The picture looks very manipulative and animated but i also made sure i was in the centre of the shot. I also hid the background setting making it fade out from me. I used the blackberry as a prop to suggest that I’m current with today society using technology as a promotion.

I captured a shot of me in cage trying to represent I'm locked up for instance my talent is in within also i try to appeal to the stereo type of young people going to prison. I also made sure the sign of the death voltage sign was shown to show that the artist is a bit outgoing is a risk taker. I had done a close up shot of me showing bluntness a bit of a serious face. I made sure my face expression was that i am actually locked up in the cage. I also try to capture curiosity where the target audience are wondering. i made sure i was capture in the centre of the frame

I started off by researching images of UK grime/rap artists and looked how they structured each photo. This picture is WRETCH 32 which is a photo of him in the centre of the photo in between an alley way. This may represent that he came from the streets with the hood look about him with his baseball hat facing the other way and the folding of the hands. He wearing all white may show his got something significant about him. You mainly focus on him the photo. It also looks like an evening shot. I noticed that this is also a medium close up as most things i researched had close ups in them. The background also is not anything amazing makes you just focus on the artist. The setting of this artist is done well due to his a UK grime, rap and this type of music is street base  within the youths so by him having an image in the alley makes us as the audience know what type of artist he is. For instance you wouldn't see a jazz artist having a picture in the local park you would expect a jazz artist to be around instruments. 

This is also another image of an artist called scorcher. I looked at the composition and the background this is not a dynamic picture it’s very simple but is also effective because as the audience we just focus on him not the things around him i also looked on what colours he selected to wear. Which are blue jeans? The artist looks very cool; I also looked at the face expression he chose to make which is a much laid back pose.

This group is known as MARVELL...i looked at the structure of the band. i also looked at what type of clothes they were wearing for instance they are presented in a very coolness about them presenting the leader at the front of the page. They also look very serious about their music which is a good thing. I thought about the composition of the artist on how I will set mine up. This group is shot with a bit of uniqueness to them showing originality. The artist looks all greyish so this may be an affect. They are all wearing glasses this image makes me think it’s very shaded which gives a sense off coolness about the group.

With this photo it’s the same artist which is known as scorcher. I looked on how they edited the picture for instance in this case the picture fades as it goes along. it goes lighter the artist head glows whereas on the left hand side it looks like its black and white. The picture looks like his up in space which matches the top he wears saying Sky Walker. This photo looks very universal like as if his out of this world. The glow is also on his head maybe showing his smart and intellectual also again this image is a close up like most of the images I researched. The jumper is also a prop to match the images so it is all related. i think the picture is appropriate for the genre he is in as well as the clothes he is wearing.

analyising front cover images

Before doing my magazine I had to analyse other magazine to make sure my work was at a good standard. I looked at the structure how each magazine made iconic shot and noticed how they captured a shot. I looked at the edits aswell the background the format of the pictures props to see what I can inspire to do making my image original and professional.

. The first thing I found interesting and unique was the Q magazine was the artist lily Allen with the tiger the background was plain and she wore black tights same colour as the tigers and below Q magazine  it says sexy beast which is her and the tiger both tigers were either side of her. The image makes me think about lily Allen started off as a kitten and turned into a sexy beast. She is also topless this suggests that the magazine is trying to get more male audiences.

I then looked at this image of this magazine and see how they were presented they were all men huddled around the women look like brotherly figures around the female. The background colour is green and they all look like their wearing casual stuff. I think each person shows their personality in the photo with the man on the left with a stern face, the women with a seductive kiss, the man on the right looks shy the man behind him looks very bubbly and the man behind the man on the left also has a stern face.

I then last looked up the image on vibe magazine of the music artist usher wearing glasses it is also a close up of him wearing glasses a chain and a ring. The picture looks very cool of him. Around the picture it says  swagger suggesting that usher has swagger.