This is my planning and sketching images. I got the image off and used the software fireworks to edit it by cutting out everything that is behind it using the magic wond key. The top image is before i edited it and the one below is after i edited just leaving the white tiger. I played around with the image trying to come into grips with the tools.
This was my first photo image which I constructed and com positioned in a certain way I added a blackberry in the image to represent that up to date also in the blackberry is an image of myself . I also captured a shot with the bottom of my shoe showing representing my footstep to music I also made sure I was in the centre of the photo. I am also sitting on a green box presenting i am from the streets relating to underground music in Britain.
This is my edited image which i edited by using the website i changed thee contrast of the picture and the exposure. The image started of black and white and i highlighted the main things that i wanted in the picture which was some of the blue parts and the phone. I also darkened my face to show to leave that's sense of curiosity for the audience. I highlighted my footstep to signify my footsteps to music making my shoe dirty. I also dressed myself in a certain way to appeal to the fan range wearing a hat a hood and a body warmer. I highlighted my self in the image to make me be seen as the main attraction. The picture is very animated. The picture looks very manipulative and animated but i also made sure i was in the centre of the shot. I also hid the background setting making it fade out from me. I used the blackberry as a prop to suggest that I’m current with today society using technology as a promotion.
I captured a shot of me in cage trying to represent I'm locked up for instance my talent is in within also i try to appeal to the stereo type of young people going to prison. I also made sure the sign of the death voltage sign was shown to show that the artist is a bit outgoing is a risk taker. I had done a close up shot of me showing bluntness a bit of a serious face. I made sure my face expression was that i am actually locked up in the cage. I also try to capture curiosity where the target audience are wondering. i made sure i was capture in the centre of the frame
I started off by researching images of UK grime/rap artists and looked how they structured each photo. This picture is WRETCH 32 which is a photo of him in the centre of the photo in between an alley way. This may represent that he came from the streets with the hood look about him with his baseball hat facing the other way and the folding of the hands. He wearing all white may show his got something significant about him. You mainly focus on him the photo. It also looks like an evening shot. I noticed that this is also a medium close up as most things i researched had close ups in them. The background also is not anything amazing makes you just focus on the artist. The setting of this artist is done well due to his a UK grime, rap and this type of music is street base within the youths so by him having an image in the alley makes us as the audience know what type of artist he is. For instance you wouldn't see a jazz artist having a picture in the local park you would expect a jazz artist to be around instruments.
This is also another image of an artist called scorcher. I looked at the composition and the background this is not a dynamic picture it’s very simple but is also effective because as the audience we just focus on him not the things around him i also looked on what colours he selected to wear. Which are blue jeans? The artist looks very cool; I also looked at the face expression he chose to make which is a much laid back pose.
This group is known as MARVELL...i looked at the structure of the band. i also looked at what type of clothes they were wearing for instance they are presented in a very coolness about them presenting the leader at the front of the page. They also look very serious about their music which is a good thing. I thought about the composition of the artist on how I will set mine up. This group is shot with a bit of uniqueness to them showing originality. The artist looks all greyish so this may be an affect. They are all wearing glasses this image makes me think it’s very shaded which gives a sense off coolness about the group.

With this photo it’s the same artist which is known as scorcher. I looked on how they edited the picture for instance in this case the picture fades as it goes along. it goes lighter the artist head glows whereas on the left hand side it looks like its black and white. The picture looks like his up in space which matches the top he wears saying Sky Walker. This photo looks very universal like as if his out of this world. The glow is also on his head maybe showing his smart and intellectual also again this image is a close up like most of the images I researched. The jumper is also a prop to match the images so it is all related. i think the picture is appropriate for the genre he is in as well as the clothes he is wearing.
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