This is my drafting task it is a mock up. The mock up allowed me to know where I want things on my real magazine .The first thing I done was put the masthead at the top so the viewers know the name of my magazine. I inserted an image in the middle of the magazine so the viewers can visualise what type of magazine it is. I put bar code at the bottom because that's the lease important inserted quotes so the viewers can know what type of subjects would be brought up in the magazine. I placed the puff at the top so it can be seen properly. I also created subheading once again to attract the audiences and their interests in what ever the subject topic is about for example football. I was thinking of appropriate topics to be involved within the magazine and something interesting and appealing. I made sure that the person on my front cover was wearing uniform due to its a school magazine so the audience knows what magazine it is from the image and the title this is a prop. I edited the picture using the website picnic. I made sure the person was in black and white and coloured in the book. i think it is presented well trying to suggest what is really going on in a school child mind them wanting to burn their book.
This is my contents page for my mock up magazine i put the heading at the top in a certain font from the da font website also tilted the heading because it looks appealing. I put images relating to what page topic is about for example pg. 11 is about fights an inserted an animation image to relate to that. I made sure all the text and images were the right size colour and font so it can be seen properly. I put a yellow border around the page so it looks more appealing so it doesn’t look so plain and blunt. I got the image of the studio off the Google website aswell as the animation of the two people fighting and i also got the little scroll from clipart which is on the word file. my contents page is very basic but appealing i inserted things like text box just to bring out colours on the contents page also used different font sizes and font colour for instance in the bottom section the font is in red to signify importance. I also manipulated the image on the contents page where the girl is sitting down deciding what bag to pick the image looks very cinematic suggesting for a girl deciding what to wear is very dramatic. so I created a mise en scene trying to set out everything correctly to capture a good shot which i think the outcome was done well.
This is my final outcome of my magazine cover a few adjustments will be made to the cover.
In addition to, with the masthead showing and the title I had to make sure the font size and colours are different for instance I made the important information in a bigger size font so it looks more appealing and because its what the story lines are going to be about I included a barcode so you can scan the price of the magazine and also created my own puff at the bottom left. I got an image of the internet which was the 2010 and made the image size smaller and created shapes which was on the word software and put text underneath to make it look more professional. I made sure my image is in the centre of the screen. I put a quotation from the artist Louie Akz, “my longest diary” which is going to be a feature of the magazine. The colour scheme selected was also blue white making all the main parts white and the others blue matching the clothes the artist is wearing. The name in Louie Akz got from the dafont website as well as the longest diary to make it seem more presentable I researched other magazine and notice how they used different fonts.
I made adjustments to my magazine such as covered the whole image on to the page. I also put my masthead on to the left hand side of the magazine. I inserted a text box with the name music magazine under the masthead and removed the whole top of my heading. This had the title as well as the masthead on either side. I made the main font bold because I feel it’s important and left the less important in plain font. I changed the barcode and also put text underneath with the date and a website based underneath. Lastly I created a banner on top of my masthead and wrote information on what topics are going to be in the magazine. I first made the banner red so it can standout with yellow but I decided to make it blue which was my final design because it matches the font colour.

I have inserted another picture at the bottom of my second page of my features. I have inserted my image with all the text around i am still thinking on what to put on the second page and the colour and the font. I need to consider the suitability of the features page. I changed the colour of the second page because its different and I want to keep the same colour theme as my front cover and contents page.