Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Expoloring values /ideologies of different music magazines

I have researched and viewed the NME website and looked at the ideologies and values. The website I first accessed was I noticed that NME likes its history and past they had an image of john Lennon which is a story about his past although the NME also has its cutting edge and modern day views and image with different links and social networking websites that they have got. The NME is also Very alternative with different types of rock genres also a bit of mainstream music. i have the impression that they value just quality music the things that are  at its best that are the top favourites. THE NME website has wider interests not just involving music but the politics side as well. The website seems very fun and outgoing and has that bubbly side to it. it also seems like their out to make money due to the online purchasing available on the website its seen as a business. Moreover, it is also seen as a place where you can find the latest news that is going on i think the NME values are all about updating music lovers.
The image below is the NME website of a previous date but still has the same values and ideologies. The website also allows advertisement on its page for instance their advertisement about a phone network. It talks about political issues which is interesting for instance it had a story about Pete Dorothy going to jail. i think it also try’s to appeal to all its audience in anyway as possible for instance in one of the images is a guy with guitar the guitar appeals to all its audience because with this type of genre the  guitar is used a lot 

The second website i went on to do is smash hits seems like it appeals more to females maybe due to the genre being pop because pop is not really a masculine thing more pop listeners are the website gives off its female related by the colour schemes. I think there ideology is to promote upbeat pop. Smash hits are very modern and try to update its audiences as much as they can for instance it is also seen as a business because it has TV channels on both sky and virgin media. It mainly concentrates on pop music which is the first impressions of the website. It seems very glossy and happy website. I think they try to promote popular artists as much as they can advertise concerts. It is also updated their pages on to social networks examples of some are facebook reddit and also has advertisements on products like lip gloss and the company rimmel. It has an image of a diary which is female related i think smash hits is ideology is all about women. i think the colour schemes are selected because its mainly women so smash hits made a choice of selecting the colours so we as the audience know what type of message they are trying to get across Secondly, just to promote good music.
The image above is a past image of the website smash hits.this image is the type of things I was describing in all the above.

 Another example of a music magazine i am looking at is the vibe magazine. The magazine seems very modern, trying to appeal to its young audiences. Vibe is very current it sticks to current artists that are currently listed in the top charts. it also publicise controversial topics which relate in the world today to do with music as well as economic bases for instance with music artist like Nicki Minaj and for economic the new president of the united states Barrack Obama  vibe also is on social networks like facebook and MySpace  trying to keep with modern technology. It is very modern but also gives you information about the past as well looking down till now so it still remembers the past artists. Vibe also tries to look for quality music and also tries to promote new upcoming artists. the website tries to inform all the audiences as much as they can trying to interest them the image above is an image of the website vibe trying to interest their viewers on what going on with the hip hop R&B. in my viewpoint they keep all their audiences interested informing them with news making sure their up to date. Vibe also stay current promoting advertisements on things like books and phones their up to date with modern technology and communication.

This is the MTV website. there first thing I noticed is the actor matt Damon  this gives me the impression that MTV not just interested in music but other type of media for instance the movie trade it shows that there up to date with movies. The websites also has several of themes in the background suggesting their original. I think they also try to stay current providing their audiences with latest news which they even have a sub heading showing the latest news. i think for this topic they are trying to appeal to the females hence why the colour pink is used a lot.

 This is another image of the MTV base but in this case they have Robin Thicke picture highlighted this is was when Robin Thicke first released his new song so this shows that MTV base is try to stay current help upcoming artists with their new releases.

I think all the magazines are up to date trying to interact with their audiences through different types of media creating websites so the younger people can go on to all the ready websites and view all there music interests. They even have ways to contact you on to your mobile you sending emails and texts updating all their fan ranges for instance MTV base send out texts letting all their target range audience find out the latest stories. I think technology has developed these magazine allowing people to access the magazine in different ways which will reach to a wider target audience because they can access people by posting it and people reading it, others through emails phones and websites. In my opinion the music magazines ideology is to adapt well to the new society through new technology  as well as the old.

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